Christian Evangelism & Discipleship Ministry> 
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We partner with churches and Christians who desire to learn and GO out and do evangelism and make disciples.

2012 Outreach Events

42 days of evangelism during which 89 people from 13 churches were involved in sharing the gospel with MTA in 2012. Over 27,000 people were reached with the gospel.

Please email us if you'd like to participate in any of these events, or if you have a suggestion for an event we could add to the schedule..

2012 Events and Photos

Hillsboro St. Patrick's Day Parade (March 17th)

Spring Break - Seaside - (March 23 & 24)

Spring Break - Seaside (March 30 & 31)

Annual Day Of Prayer For Evangelism (April 14th)
(at SW Hills Baptist Church) (No Photos Available)

Western Massachusetts (April 19-30th) (No photos available)

Portland Cinco de Mayo (May 4, 5 & 6)

Multnomah County Fair (May 25-27th)

Portland Rose Festival Starlight Parade, (June 2nd)

Cannon Beach Sand Castle Day (Booth June 8-10th)

Door-to-Door & Street Festival (June 14-17th)

Tigard Balloon Festival (June 22-24th)

Hispanic Creation Conference (June 29, 30 & July 1)

July Fourth Parade (Cannon Beach) (July 4th)

Waterfront Blues Festival (July 6-8th)

Annual Door-To-Door Day (July 14th) (No photos available)

Sherwood Robinhood Festival (Booth July 20 & 21)
Boones Ferry VBS Carnival (Booth July 22nd)

Newburg Old Fastioned Days (Booth July 26-29)
Beaverton International Festival (Booth July 28)

Freemont Street Festival (Booth August 4th)

Tualatin Crawfish Festival (Booth August 11th)
Tigard Downtown Street Festival (Booth August 11th)

Portland India Festival (August 19th) (No photos available)

Hawthorn Street Fair (Booth August 26th)

North Dakota & Montana (August 28th - September 5th)

Belmont Street Fair (Booth September 8th)

Fun On Foster - (Booth September 29th)

Connecticut (October 1st - 15th) (No photos available)

Compassion Beaverton Clinic (October 27th)

Fall CARnival Outreach (Booth October 31st)

America's Largest Christmas Bazaar (Booth November & December)


2012 Seaside Sprint Break Evangelism

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Sharing the gospel through sand sculptureSpreading the good news about God's promise:

"the knowledge of the truth which is according to godliness, in the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago..."
- Titus 1:1b-2

God has promised us eternal life. He cannot lie.

The promise is true.

But, God cannot let sin into His presense. Sin, which is the breaking of God's law, has consequeces. God is just. There is justice. We've all broken God's law. If you have not perfectly obeyed the Ten Commandents - do not lie, do not steal, do not covet, do not lust (see Matthew 5:28), etc. you have broken God's law and must pay the penalty. You did the crime against an eternal God, you must pay the time in eternal hell.

But, God promised us eternal life! When Jesus rose from the dead He showed us there is truly a physical, bodily resurrection and life after death. Jesus was God. He was perfect. He never sinner, but God punished Him instead of us. Why?

Jesus was punished for sin in your place. He took your punishment on Himself so that you can go free. If you believe this is true and turn away from disobeying God, you have eternal life as free gift from God.

But, if you do not believe this is true, if you reject this, then you must pay the penalty you've earned through your disoberying God.

It's your choice. What do you choose. Life?
Or eternity in hell?

Trust Jesus

View the 2011 Event Photo Album

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