Christian Evangelism & Discipleship Ministry> 
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Hawthorn Street Festival

On Hawthorn street the booths are in the street facing toward the sidewalk. There was a poster covered telephone pole right in front of our booth. But everything worked out very well. We talked with A LOT of people and gave out almost our complete supply of comic book tracts, plus over a 1,200 million dollar bills.

Hawthorn Street Festival Booth

Handing out tracts in front of our booth.
Although we had a pole in front of our booth, there was extra on the right side of the booth. So we had space for additional banners and it was easy for people to come into the booth for face painting.

Hawthorn Street Festival Booth

It was interesting that another vendor came and asked us for million dollar bills they could give away in their booth. People who would not take a tract from a Christian booth may have gotten one from a jewelry booth.

Hawthorn Street Festival

Booth At Hawthorn Street Festival

Hawthorn Street Festival

Hawthorn Street Festival

Even after the booths had been taken down we continued to share the gospel until the million dollar bills ran out. These are the final people we talked with. By the way, that's the poster covered pole that was in front of our booth. At least six posters were added while we were there.

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