The Beaverton International Festival was a one-day event
on a bright, sunny Saturday.
These pictures are from early in the day. It got really crowded in the

Some of the volunteers who helped staff the booth.

We use face painting to share about Jesus and the gospel. The line
started early in the day and the face painters were very, very busy
all day.

Thank you to Blake and Li-Li for organizing oiur booth for this

The half of our 10' x 20' booth where we shared with adults and
gave out tracts, bibles, videos and more.

These kids had just received gospel tracts.

The face painting area. After the face painting we usually share
about the importance of truth and the Bible using a curved illusion.
You can see that on the left side of this picture.
Left: A man is reading the million dollar bill gospel tract
he had just received.
This year's booth at the Beaveryon International Festival was a
great success. We are looking forward to returning next year.
