Christian Evangelism & Discipleship Ministry> 
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Fremont Street Festival

It was a hot (100+) day at the Fremont Street Festival - but it was a great time! It was our first time there. They have a wonderful parade,
lot's of friendly vendors, and many very nice people with whom we shared about sin and salvation through Jesus Christ.

2012 Fremont Street Festival

Above: for a couple of hours we were overwhelmed with
the numbers of kids who wanted face painting.

Right: even Batman got the gospel.
(The $1,000,000 bill gospel tract.).

Below: Jasmin handing out gospel tracts to people as they passed by.

Batman at the Fremont Festival

Fremont Street Festival

Fremont Street Festival

Fremont Street Festival

Fremont Street Festival

Above left: our booth from the outside. We had dinosaur tracks to help get people to stop at our booth.

Above: Sharing about sin, and what Jesus did to save us, with visitors to the booth.


Left: we had a wide angle automatic camera that photographed the interior of our booth every ten seconds. (That's A LOT of photos!) This is typically what things looked like inside the booth.

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