Christian Evangelism & Discipleship Ministry> 
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Multnomah County Fair

This was our first time at the Multnomah County Fair.
We were there for outreach and to find out what would be the best way to be there next year..

Multnomah County Fair

There were lots of people at the Multnomah County Fair. It is held at the Oaks Park Amusement Park. The parking lot was full and people were parking in the street. It's a great location for a fair. There is plenty of shade and the large picinic area is wonderful for families who want to enjoy a picinic lunch.

This looks like a good fair for us to have a booth at next year. If you are with a church in Multnomah County that would like to work with us on a booth, please contact us. We'll provide the booth canopy, with banners, something to attract people to the booth and gospel tracts and DVDs that can be given away. We can even help with the fee for the booth space. You provide the people to staff the booth.

Multnomah County Fair


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