You'll see a lot of pictures on our web site showing
dinosaur tracks. What do these have to do with each other? Why do
we combine dinosaur tracks and the gospel?
to the generosity of a brother in Christ, we have several real dinosaur
tracks. Would you like to touch a real dinosaur track? It's a
once-in-lifetime opportunity. Dinosaur tracks are locked in museums
and they are definately off limits to touching -- unless you come
to one of our seminars or visit our evangelism booth. We have the
tracks on display. We talk about what you can see in the tracks, how
they were made, and what they tell us about dinosaurs. And you can
touch them!
We have a traveling dinosaur track exibit. It includes
the large tracks shown here. There are also tracks that have been
cut so you can see the layers of sediment. We even have baby dinosaur
tracks. When there is room we also bring other fossils including clams,
fish, a dinosaur bone, trilobites and others.
What do dinosaur tracks and fossils have to do with
Jesus, the gospel and evangelism?
They attract a crowd. Not only that, they start a conversation.
People stop and take the time to talk with us. We talk about dinosaurs
and we learn a little about the people we are talking with. We ask
What happened to the dinosaurs? They all died.
So what do you think will happen after you die?
And we're into a spiritual conversation in which we
can share the gospel.
also use dinosaur tracks to teach about Genesis
Understanding that we are created in God's image; that
we are fallen sinners who are now separated from God; that there was
a world-wide flood with one way to salvation; are foundational to
understanding sin, God's love, and our need for a savior. So we also
teach about Genesis 1 through 11 (get our free
Incorporating dinosaur tracks into our seminars and
classes attracts unbelievers, helps hold people's interest, and helps
them to remember what we taught. Using dinosaurs tracks are excellent
for holding children's attention. It gives us the opportunity to build
the foundation for the gospel and to water seeds others have planted.
And it opens doors to the gospel. Our teaching about Genesis almost
always includes the gospel message.