Handing Out Tracts
Steve was a part of a two-man team from SW Hills Baptist Church
that went to Uganda in August. We tried handing out the comic
book "Are
You A Good Person" tract. Not only did everyone take
it, some people came back and asked for more copies.
What I wanted to see was how people reacted to this tract. It
worked just as it does in the U.S. -- people read the title, then
typically said "I'm a good person!" and then
they would continue to read the tract. I've used this tract in
the U.S., Russia, India, and Indonesia. Almost everyone, every
place in the world thinks they are a good person.
There will be follow-up for many of the people who received tracts.
Uganda Photos:
Upper left: This is the street in Kampala where we handed out
tracts. Although you don't see any in this picture, there were
people walking by. This picture is so you can see what Kampala
looks like.
Left: The yellow arrow points to the person (in blue), partially
hidden behind a car, who is handing out tracts.
Below left: A woman in a fruit and vegetable market is reading
the "Are You A Good Person" comic book tract.
A pastor will return the following week to follow up with those
who received a tract at this market.
Below: The fruit and vegetable market where we handed out the
"Are You A Good Person" comic book tract. We
also gave out the comic book tract on the street, in a grocery
store, and in a barber shop. It was received well everywhere.
In addition to tracts we brought other materials to Uganda. Pastors
from around Uganda received copies of the "Hell's Best
Kept Secret/True and False Conversions" CD. We also had
a limited supply of tracts, books, and DVDs that we provided to