This week there was a team of seven (photo above) at Pioneer
Courthouse Square. It was pouring rain as we drove to Portland,
but the rain stopped and the sun came out (in part) for the entire
time we were there. People were much more receptive.
Except for a few odds and ends, we all ran out of tracts in less
than 90 minutes.
(Return to 2013 photo index.)
We were on the outside of the square and on the inside of the square.
Some people were offered tracts multiple times.
Handing out the Ten Commandments coin. It was very popular.
Probably 8 of 10 people took one.
Photo to left: the young man to the right (colored things
hanging from his jacket) read the cartoon tract, tore it in half
and tossed it over his shoulder. (That's the actual tract he tore.)
The other young man looked at the tract, and then placed it in
his back pocket.
If you'd like to hear an audio sample of some of what was
said during various times we were there, click on this link. This is
roughly a two minute montage.
(It may take a moment for the audio to load and play.)