Yes, there was a line of kids waiting to have their face
painted (see above photo).
The Beaverton Days Celebration includes a parade that starts
at 10:00 AM and then a vendor area from 12:00 noon until 4:00
P.M. The plan was to hand out tracts at the parade and then
run the booth to do face painting for the kids. It didn't work
out that way.
(Return to 2011 photo index.)
Lord's plans are always better.
The best time to hand out tracts at the parade is about an hour
before the parade starts, so the volunteers started setting up
the booth at 8:00 AM so they could be at the parade by 9:00. But
as soon as the face painting banner was up people starting stopping
at the booth.
Later in the day enough extra volunteers showed up so
that several were able to wander around the vendor area handing
out tracts and talking with people. Meanwhile, back at the booth
it turned out the location was excellent. It was right at the
entrance of the children's area. At times there was a line of
kids waiting to get their face painted (and hear the gospel).
So many kids wanted their face painted that volunteers burned
out after about two hours of face painting. It was a very busy,
tiring and joy filled day!
This booth was 100% run by and staffed by SW
Hills Baptist Church in Beaverton, Oregon. SW Hills has also
been the primary supporter of our summer evangelism efforts.