Origins - The Institute For Creation Research R.A.T.E. Study
Larry Vardiman reports on the results from R.A.T.E.
R.A.T.E. stands for Radio isotopes and the Age of The Earth.
The institute For Creation conducted a five year study of radio isotope
dating and came up with some surprising results that are summarized
on this DVD. They found evidence that radio isotope dating is not reliable
and that other scientific methods of dating rocks show them to be just
6,000 years old.
This DVD includes four 25 minute videos from the Origins TV Series
The first provides an introduction to R.A.T.E. The next three each present
one of the significant findings from the R.A.T.E. study. You'll see
that radio dating of rocks is not an accurate method for determining
the age of the rocks.
This DVD has been compiled by Move To Assurance and is available for
S&h included within the U.S., Mexico and Canada. For all other countries
add $2.95 to your total order.
Mail a check to:
Move To Assurance
P.O. Box 974
Tualatin, OR 97062
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Add $2.95 for shipping outside the U.S.
The four 25 minute videos included on this DVD are:
Helium Diffision Rates (show the earth to be just 6,000 years old)
Radio halos demonstrate the earth is young and there was very rapid
Carbon 14 in coal and diamonds present additional evidence the earh
is young.
Overall the scientific evidence showing the earth is about 6,000 years
old continues to pile up. Get these DVD to see just a small part of
Please support us in our efforts to improve our video
production. We need help getting a camera,
lighting, software and other equipment.