Origins - Geological Evidence For The Worldwide Flood & The
Big Freeze
Andrew Snelling and Dr. Larry Vardiman
If there was a flood that covered the earth in a couple of months,
and then drained away in ten months, there should be plain evidence
we see today.
The evidence that there was a catastrophic world-wide flood about 4,500
years ago is overwhelming. Over and over again these three videos featuring
Dr. Snelling show the geological evidence that is best explained by
a recent world-wide flood.
In the bonus feature Dr. Vardiman shows that an ice age is what can
be expected to follow a world-wide flood. Rapid cooling and massive
amounts of water in the atmosphere would result in rapid accumulations
of snow starting within a few hundred years after the flood. This video
explans why and how it happened.
This DVD includes four 25 minute videos from the Origins TV Series.
This DVD has been compiled by Move To Assurance and is available for
S&h included within the U.S., Mexico and Canada. For all other countries
add $2.95 to your total order.
Mail a check to:
Move To Assurance
P.O. Box 974
Tualatin, OR 97062
Order DVD Online:
Add $2.95 for shipping outside the U.S.
The four 25 minute videos included on this DVD are:
Geological Evidence - 1
Geological Evidence - 2
Geological Evidence - 3
Bonus Feature - The Big Freeze
Please support us in our efforts to improve our video
production. We need help getting a camera,
lighting, software and other equipment.