Origins - The Cosmos... Comets... Craters and Starlight
Danny Faulkner, Dr. Russell Humphreys & Dr. Larry Vardiman.
Look at the night sky... the stars declare the gory of God.
The night sky is not only glorious to look at, it declares the glory
of God through the evidence it provides demonstrating the Bible is true
and the earth really is about 6,000 years old. See how comets and craters
on the moon declare the earth is young. Learn the answer to the distant
starligh question.
A bonus feature looks at global warming. You'll see the same faulty
techniques used to prove evolution are also used to support man-caused
global warming.
This DVD includes four 25 minute videos from the Origins TV Series.
This DVD has been compiled by Move To Assurance and is available for
S&h included within the U.S., Mexico and Canada. For all other countries
add $2.95 to your total order.
Mail a check to:
Move To Assurance
P.O. Box 974
Tualatin, OR 97062
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Add $2.95 for shipping outside the U.S.
The four 25 minute videos included on this DVD are:
1) What About Comets?
2) Impact Of Craters
3) Starlight And Time
4) Bonus - Global Warming
Please support us in our efforts to improve our video
production. We need help getting a camera,
lighting, software and other equipment.